Neebota is the world of Zeebo, the protagonist of Neebota franchise and 99 Fails. Neebota is inhabited by colorful beings who undergo many of the same emotions and experiences we humans do: hope, joy, loss, dreams, curiosity, and overcoming the self. Zeebo and his friends are fascinated by portals to our very own earth that appear on Neebota.

Noobota is the dreamworld of any Neebotian. It’s inhabited by mental entities called cognizoids. Cognizoids can represent anything from a Neebotian’s life, from people, emotions, ideas to problems. It’s Zeebo’s noobota and its wacky rules you have to conquer in 99 Fails!
Zeebo’s Struggle
Zeebo is painfully morphing in his nightmare. Each morph represents a different gameplay mechanic you have to master. But what’s causing these morphs? And how many are there?

Time for a laugh?
A bit of humor never hurt anyone? Except perhaps the chicken-prickling acupuncture treatment this Neebotian is getting. Treat yourself to a chuckle and explore Neebotian ads!